Project STRATUS in Iceland

Project STRATUS was present in the PHIVE final conference that took place in Reykjavik on 16 June.

The final conference of the project on digital promotion and preservation of heritage was a success.

After the initial keynotes, attendees had the opportunity to try and be amazed by the Downpatrick Head VR app and their feedback was pretty good. 

In the afternoon, Danny O'Toole from County Mayo Council alongside Alan Millar from University of St Andrew's gave a talk on 'Virtual Museums, Virtual Tours and Tourism'.

Once the conference came to an end, Skuli Björn Gunnarsson from Gunnar Gunnarsson Institute hosted project partners of Project STRATUS in East Iceland. On Saturday the 18th, another workshop were not only STRATUS but the other cluster projects were disseminated. After the presentations, attendees could try some of the outputs produced within said projects: VR goggles and virtual tours were available.